Voice Radio

Aug 18, 2024
when you become rebel your model gets a small radio already my suggestion is to make it usable for better rebel co ordination for large scale or small scale things like meeting up with other rebels staging a sector scale ambush or simply asking for buyable goods
A system that allows specific radio frequencies to be transmitted on by voice for Combine and Rebels.

Universal Radio (Radio All): Accessible by DvL+ (OTA equivalent as well), transmits to the entire Combine and Overwatch forces
Team Radio: Accessible by SqL+ (OTA equivalent as well), transmits to just CP or OTA team.
Squad Radio: Accessible by any rank, i1+ has the ability to mute certain units on it in case of spam.

Overall: Any player can use this united frequency
Specific Frequency: Any player can use a frequency determined by a group of people
F6 Group Radio: Custom Permanant Frequency, HR's can remove any spam users
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If we ever decide to remove PM's from the Half Life server this may be a good addition that wouldn't make it impossible for long distance communication.

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