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  1. Elsker

    Welcome to the community :samuel:

    Welcome to the community :samuel:
  2. Elsker

    Question/suggestion for server management

    I'm happy to say that our Improvement Committee does a great job with this function!
  3. Elsker

    Accepted Increase Glue Spawnrate

    I'm going to talk with Imperial and see what the rates are for the spawns. I'll see how many lootable containers there are and then figure out the ratio of gunpower to glue. Users should, generally speaking, get more glue than GP when hitting a mix of lootables
  4. Elsker

    Other Game Hosts (Rework)

    @Noiseyboi322, do you feel that our event team satisfies what this suggestion thread aims to accomplish?
  5. Elsker

    Denied division suggestion

    I think a prison guard division could be unique if we had features that fleshed out the prison system more. Also, we are currently not in a position to add more divisions to the server because we are a smaller community with a low server population. A similar suggestion was made here...
  6. Elsker

    Other Only the owner can spawn in weapons for events?

    I made a suggestion to Imperial about an NPC that can be spawned that allows users to grab weapons that they aren't able to store. I think this would be easier than having to run the support tool on many users during an event and then having to keep track of the weapons afterwards.
  7. Elsker

    Other New map soon?

    Hey there, please take a look at this thread so you can put this map as your vote. Thanks! :samuel:
  8. Elsker

    Accepted Combine Voice Command Rework

    A great and simple idea. I hated this on the last impulse servers I used to be on...
  9. Elsker

    Supervisor Jail Times

    Any updates or comments on this? Personally, I am of the opinion that people should avoid being arrested-- especially by CP leaders, since people ought to know they can issue higher sentences. Cheers :samuel:
  10. Elsker


    Could we possibly add some more ideas about this suggestion on this thread? I think having prison work crews would be neat, but what else would pickaxes be able to do? Again, they cannot, and should not, be only a source for rebel resource gathering :samuel:
  11. Elsker

    Denied New Divisions/Special Divisions

    We can look into adding more special divisions when we see how VICE is handled and when our playercount increases. For now, we're going to hold off and focus on other development features, but thank you for your suggestion, Neutral Note: The tag will say "DENIED" over this thread, but this...
  12. Elsker

    Accepted Change Stunstick Slowdown

    I'm going to let some other players add their opinions on this. Thanks for your comments regarding this feature. I'll likely forward this to Imperial if a good discussion forms here.
  13. Elsker

    Welcome to the community :samuel:

    Welcome to the community :samuel:
  14. Elsker

    Accepted Change Stunstick Slowdown

    I have always held the opinion that armor shouldn't make a stunstick worthless in combat, but it ought to not to do the slow effect in my humble opinion
  15. Elsker

    Accepted Change Stunstick Slowdown

    I really appreciate you recognizing the benefit of having the feature in the first place. I also understand the frustration by dying to a Civil Protection officer with a stunstick when fully armored up as a rebel. I wanted to ask you this: Do you think a fair compromise would be if wearable...
  16. Elsker

    Welcome to the community :samuel:

    Welcome to the community :samuel:
  17. Elsker

    hello guys

    Good to have you!
  18. Elsker

    Very happy to see our unturned servers popping off this past weekend

    Very happy to see our unturned servers popping off this past weekend
  19. Elsker


  20. Elsker

    Accepted - Medic.jpg's OfC Application -

    I think you'd be a good member of the Civil Protection faction, but it would be nice to see you have some more time playing Astronet under your belt (y)