Search results

  1. Hylix

    Accepted increase carry weight to 25kgs

    This is a very good Idea, and I would go far as saying make it 30 standalone, or make a backpack that stacks up to 30 atleast. But for sure we need a weight change, when I first saw 20 I thought it was fine, I went on one scav run and thought otherwise.
  2. Hylix

    Accepted Ban Appeal

    Let my boy free hes fr (prolly)
  3. Hylix

    Accepted Willard Network Playermodel V2 Addon

    I also believe DvL should not get the DcO mask, it makes no sense since DcO is apart of central command, and DvL is apart of the standard supervisor section in the handbook. I believe OfC and SqL should get blue uniforms while DvL and above get red uniforms to further fit the "Higher ranking".
  4. Hylix

    Other Map rotation and map suggestion (EDITED MAP SUGGESTION TO I24)

    I still just really dislike I17 and its edits as a whole, I don't speak for everyone but my opinion still stands.
  5. Hylix

    Other Map rotation and map suggestion (EDITED MAP SUGGESTION TO I24)

    My personal issue with this map are as follows. This map has been used in almost every Impulse HL2RP server created, which not only makes it very repetitive, but also bland and unfun, we have also had a similar map and that proved to be very unfitting for the player base we currently have, even...
  6. Hylix

    The Biggest CP Faction Suggestion.

    In my opinion, I believe we should use different weapons, 5.56 is unreliable and the combine do not have a sufficient amount of this caliber to keep supplying PTs, a more fitting weapon could be a MPX, its chamber in 9x19, and has a fast firerate, almost perfect for the CQC engagements CPs are...
  7. Hylix

    Accepted antlion gaming's OvC Whitelist Application

    Here's my opinion on your application split into both negative answers, and positive ones. -The scenarios we're almost perfectly answered, I personally can't detect major problems, only minor ones which really don't matter that much. - In the second question of General Questions, you answered...
  8. Hylix

    Sterilization Credits for the CP faction

    I know a suggestion has been made on this beforehand, though I would like to spin my own view and add more insight to the possible update The Idea of SC's for picking up contraband, the arrest of Anti-citizens, and the arrest of standard Non-citizens, instead of CPs killing every single rebel...
  9. Hylix

    Needs Consolidation Overwatch New divisions & models.

    I love this Idea, but personally there is one thing that you could change in order for this to be even better, for example, the APF LDR, could just be the standard HL:A one, personally I think the one you recommended doesn't look the best and would love to hear other opinions about it. Combine...
  10. Hylix

    Denied JonahFoxyDaNoob's whitelist app

    This application has Very few problems, which can be fixed easily, I'll be explaining them now. The first problem I sensed on this application, very few questions are in-depth and show effort, an example would be; You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the...
  11. Hylix

    Other VICE Faction Adjustment for Representation

    Sure, I guess this could be a good feature. +1
  12. Hylix

    Accepted Add Half-Life 2 Props Extended and HL2 Signs Prop Pack

    I agree these dont look very bad and arent THAT big. +1.
  13. Hylix

    Accepted antlion gaming's OfC Whitelist CP Application

    Instead of leaving a +1 or a -1, I will name the negatives and positives of your application. Positives: Your situation handling is superior to that of a normal ground unit, you have prior experience, which is useful on the CP force, and you have a friendly demeanor, you goof around, but make...
  14. Hylix

    Suppression Sweeps for OTA

    I wanted to make a new type of deployment for OTA to assist in overwhelming forces of rebels or creatures that CP can't deal with by themselves. Here are the deployment requirements; These sweeps are only to be conducted when a heavy force of rebels are holding out in a certain spot in the city...
  15. Hylix

    Opinion's for the server to not follow a specific timeline

    Yeah, I think having all the timelines combined would be very cool, instead of being locked into HL2 transitionary period.
  16. Hylix

    Accepted Hot Milk's OTA Application

    You seem like a competent unit with a brain, unlike some (victor-7)
  17. Hylix

    Accepted Hot Milk's OTA Application

    Instead of just saying +1 or -1, I'm gonna say the positives of your application, and the negatives of your application. - Your grammar and situation handling was for the most part pretty alright, I also like your response on the 5th scenario question, very professional response. - There are...
  18. Hylix

    Accepted OTA Supervisors cant use Command radio

    This is the same for OvC, we haven't tested it on ODL or OwC, but yeah no this needs to be fixed ASAP, since there are things that OTA and CP supervisors have to discuss in private, without every i1 and EOW snooping around.
  19. Hylix

    Denied rubber duck's ldr app

    -1 This application is not good at all, nor is the prior experiences I've had with him on OTA, he is a good friend, but not fit for LDR.
  20. Hylix

    Accepted Hylix's OTA Application

    Reason for edit: refined one of the questions.