Needs More Detail Civil Protection duties


New member
Apr 18, 2024
I think we should have duties for civil protection units or PTs can do for example; conscript custody oversight, surveillance oversight, biotic supervisory, restricted patrol protocol, and etc.
I really think biotic supervisory is a good idea cause it would make it harder for vorts from free roaming and easily getting unshackled. Yall can add on to this, I wanna hear all of your suggestions too if you have any with this.
+1 This could help CPs organize themselves. Maybe adding an option for PTs to set different statuses or tasks for themselves could be a nice addition to the PDA if we want to this to be developed further.
These are good ideas but we'd need to determine what duties specifically we'd like and what they would look like feature and gameplay-wise. Feel free to continue discussing here.

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