Needs More Detail Civil Protection duties


New member
Apr 18, 2024
I think we should have duties for civil protection units or PTs can do for example; conscript custody oversight, surveillance oversight, biotic supervisory, restricted patrol protocol, and etc.
I really think biotic supervisory is a good idea cause it would make it harder for vorts from free roaming and easily getting unshackled. Yall can add on to this, I wanna hear all of your suggestions too if you have any with this.
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+1 This could help CPs organize themselves. Maybe adding an option for PTs to set different statuses or tasks for themselves could be a nice addition to the PDA if we want to this to be developed further.
These are good ideas but we'd need to determine what duties specifically we'd like and what they would look like feature and gameplay-wise. Feel free to continue discussing here.

What the duties would look gameplay wise.​

Note: These duties will last between 5-15 minutes. After a shift is over, the officer will be given a merit according to how great they were, and how long they worked.
Biotic supervisory: This would need Vorts to be placed and restricted to only one building during their time waiting for a officer to take them on a patrol to clean. Officers would need to keep a good eye on the Vorts, to ensure that they don't try escaping. After this is over the officer will lead the Vorts or a single Vort back to their building.

Surveillance oversight:
This duty is to go to the terminal, and just watch the cameras for any suspicious behavior from the civic Populus. An officer must report any anti-civil activity.

restricted patrol protocol:
An officer must do a patrol with a PT of 3-4 officers. An officer should ensure that the restricted area is clear of any anti-civil activity or of any trespassers.
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These duties would require hard-coded features to expand their possibilities, but I am definitely on board with these suggestions. I would love controllable combine cameras because they would allow the combine to do recon properly without fear of death.
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These duties would require hard-coded features to expand their possibilities, but I am definitely on board with these suggestions. I would love controllable combine cameras because they would allow the combine to do recon properly without fear of death.
Yeah definitely see aspects players would like in this, being able to control and maybe even zoom the cams and maybe even ping. Makes it much more immersive, and I could implement biotic supervisory as a duty CPs could enlist in. Currently their spawning doesn't support having them always watched unless we watch TS.

We do have rules for Restricted area patrols by the way Jonah, good idea. AD can be swept by PT.

What the duties would look gameplay wise.​

Note: These duties will last between 5-15 minutes. After a shift is over, the officer will be given a merit according to how great they were, and how long they worked.
Biotic supervisory: This would need Vorts to be placed and restricted to only one building during their time waiting for a officer to take them on a patrol to clean. Officers would need to keep a good eye on the Vorts, to ensure that they don't try escaping. After this is over the officer will lead the Vorts or a single Vort back to their building.

Surveillance oversight: This duty is to go to the terminal, and just watch the cameras for any suspicious behavior from the civic Populus. An officer must report any anti-civil activity.

restricted patrol protocol: An officer must do a patrol with a PT of 3-4 officers. An officer should ensure that the restricted area is clear of any anti-civil activity or of any trespassers.
i feel like this could work but merits due to the way they currently work is just impossible i feel like a better system would be credits for tasks as its much easier for rebels to just moonshine for money than cps whos only form of token gain is just rations. a few good tasks would be patrolling and defending certain streets for union. watching and fixing cams and minigames on civil terminals. helix could be for healing other cps and themselves and some kind of minigame at bio gel dispensers to make bio gel. and a arrest quota for juries. they would work as just randomly popping up tasks with quotas so you dont see people just camping a street as union or several helixes huddled around the nexus bio gel dispenser

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