Multi suggestion post (for CMB faction)

Apr 12, 2024
The Civil Protection Faction
1. Right now, JURY's have absolutely no use, a very good start would be the ability to investigate bodies to find the cause of death, and who killed the person, a second idea would be for JURY's to have another specialty, for example; The ability to put a single use 10 second ping on a BOL. (Unless they are in Shell Beach, to avoid shadow raids being called frequently.)

2. The GRID division only has one use currently, repairing cameras, I believe they should have something other than just the repair kit, an example; The use of scanners or other forms of technology, higher ranking GRID (SqL+) units have the ability to drive APCs in the city when the city code is Civil Unrest/Judgement Waiver. (These APCs are personnel carriers, and most likely will not have weapons cause of balancing reasons.)

3. The HELIX division needs some changes, I will list them here; HELIX's should and probably will have splints, when a unit breaks their legs, HELIX units can't do much but heal them, and then have to walk them to a biogel station, secondly, there should be an option on the PDA, that requests a HELIX unit to your current location, this should have a 15 second cooldown to stop spamming of the feature.

4. The ranks I2 and I1 should have a whitelist on them, there are a lot of I1s thinking they're supervisors, and thinking they have power over units below them, not to mention, having I1 unwhitelisted, can lead to a lot of people incorrectly leading PTs, giving people I1 who don't know how to use it correctly, and make climbing the ranks very easy and unchallenging, the same goes for I2, it should not be unwhitelisted, I2s are supposed to be units who have proved their loyalty and leadership to the combine, and I hate to say it, but I see none of those 2 when I encounter I2s.

The Overwatch Transhuman Arm Faction
1. The Overwatch faction is lacking on gadgets, the only thing that you can currently get is Tear Gas (EOW+), I believe a flash grenade or smoke grenade should be added, along with a manhack that could be deployed to disorientate rebels during a holdout indoors, also 2-3 armor charges would be ideal for them, since they are almost always in combat.

2. Additionally, the rank EOW should have a whitelist, while not being a hard one to get, I think this would make the faction a lot more even, since literally anyone can AFK in the train station until they have enough XP and boom, they can make STs and have an AR2, EOWs should be capable of leading STs and staying professional without a supervisor having to check in on them the entire time they're active. EOWs are candidates for OvC, and should act that way.

3. Sentinel should be removed, its a waste of a cool model in my opinion, the sole purpose for Sentinel is to guard the CA, but literally any unit can do that, also having normal units protect the CA can have a benefit because If a Sentinel is guarding the CA and Judgement Waiver hits, the Sentinel has to either A: Sit with the CA waiting to get command to switch division and assist the OTA, or having to go back down to the OTA armory and spend precious time getting a rank. With normal ECHO, MACE, and RANGER assets, they could command the CA to stay in his office, and go down and assist quicker then having to switch ranks and then move out.

The Civil Administrator Role
1. Right now the City Administrators sit around, and minge on the broadcast, or just copy and paste copypastas on it. I think that the City Administrators should be able to buy things for the CP/OTA Faction with a special form of currency, for example; More SPS for VICE and all OTA, an advanced MP7 being available for I1+ regardless of being VICE or not.
1+ really good suggestions for the server, all this will 100% improve the factions, specially the GRID and JURY divisions being able to cooperate a lot more often with the OTA ( APC transporting OTA troops through the Outlands, or Jury giving information on rogues to the OTA)

Overall would be a really good adition to have.

Quick suggestion
This suggestion has nothing to do with the one on this post but im gonna send it anyways.

Upper management holding small meetins with the players on the discord every 1 or 2 weeks.
I know the server management works super hard on it and its obvious thing with the amout of updates up, but I'd like to be able to hear what they think or something they could be working on.

The Civil Administrator Role
1. Right now the City Administrators sit around, and minge on the broadcast, or just copy and paste copypastas on it. I think that the City Administrators should be able to buy things for the CP/OTA Faction with a special form of currency, for example; More SPS for VICE and all OTA, an advanced MP7 being available for I1+ regardless of being VICE or not.
This is actually very interesting and would be cool.
3. Sentinel should be removed, its a waste of a cool model in my opinion, the sole purpose for Sentinel is to guard the CA, but literally any unit can do that, also having normal units protect the CA can have a benefit because If a Sentinel is guarding the CA and Judgement Waiver hits, the Sentinel has to either A: Sit with the CA waiting to get command to switch division and assist the OTA, or having to go back down to the OTA armory and spend precious time getting a rank. With normal ECHO, MACE, and RANGER assets, they could command the CA to stay in his office, and go down and assist quicker then having to switch ranks and then move out.
I agree with what you are saying and to further argue a CA does not need a specific guarding division, it is not a EA and has minimal authority in the grand scheme of things.
1. The Overwatch faction is lacking on gadgets, the only thing that you can currently get is Tear Gas (EOW+), I believe a flash grenade or smoke grenade should be added, along with a manhack that could be deployed to disorientate rebels during a holdout indoors, also 2-3 armor charges would be ideal for them, since they are almost always in combat.
I believes something like this is on its way
3. The HELIX division needs some changes, I will list them here; HELIX's should and probably will have splints, when a unit breaks their legs, HELIX units can't do much but heal them, and then have to walk them to a biogel station, secondly, there should be an option on the PDA, that requests a HELIX unit to your current location, this should have a 15 second cooldown to stop spamming of the feature.
Although I do not agree with the PDA, I do agree the splints and possibility to maybe buy biogel stations for checkpoints/hardpoints
1. Right now, JURY's have absolutely no use, a very good start would be the ability to investigate bodies to find the cause of death, and who killed the person, a second idea would be for JURY's to have another specialty, for example; The ability to put a single use 10 second ping on a BOL. (Unless they are in Shell Beach, to avoid shadow raids being called frequently.)
In my opinion Jury is a very, very RP orientated job and relies on other units actually doing their jobs e.g. capturing rebels. Jury will not work as long as we do not have any proper functioning resistance groups. Although functionality can be added, Jury will still not work the way the division is meant to
I love this, but here are some flaws:

1: SMG Access
Now, I do like the idea of CPs getting better equipment when it's bought. I don't think you should give them an SMG set specifically for 1 Division that requires 2 Whitelists is not necessary. Though the thought of it is cool, I don't think we should but look for another weapon type. UMP45 or P90 or any SMG

2: CA
Now with the CA suggestion is great, I'd love to see that in the future. Though, any CA can abuse this power and purchase stuff when its un-needed or wasting the currency on stuff that has no use at all. For instance, Say its civil and the CA purchases more equipment like tear gasses and guns when there is mainly nothing happening. I know this opinion seems very hard to understand so let me simplify it. CPs are not getting killed, CA Purchases equipment, CPs cant do shit with it, CA wastes the money.

3: OTA Gadgets
Now this isn't really a criticism but more of a "see it this way". OTA are basically the Military of the Combine which everyone knows, and with the OTA comes divisions. Sure OTA could use more items, along with the CPs but other than that. EOW from any division should not be able to acquire mannhacks or teargas and lollygag with them. I think the items should be set by division, ECHO and Mace has the Grenades, Teargas, and SPS Charges. King has Grenades, Mannhacks, and SPS Charges. Ranger should have SPS Charges and Tear gas (Doesn't charge into battle)

Anyways thank you for reading my bullshit opinion on YOUR suggestion :)
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I love this, but here are some flaws:

1: SMG Access
Now, I do like the idea of CPs getting better equipment when it's bought. I don't think you should give them an SMG set specifically for 1 Division that requires 2 Whitelists is not necessary. Though the thought of it is cool, I don't think we should but look for another weapon type. UMP45 or P90 or any SMG

2: CA
Now with the CA suggestion is great, I'd love to see that in the future. Though, any CA can abuse this power and purchase stuff when its un-needed or wasting the currency on stuff that has no use at all. For instance, Say its civil and the CA purchases more equipment like tear gasses and guns when there is mainly nothing happening. I know this opinion seems very hard to understand so let me simplify it. CPs are not getting killed, CA Purchases equipment, CPs cant do shit with it, CA wastes the money.

3: OTA Gadgets
Now this isn't really a criticism but more of a "see it this way". OTA are basically the Military of the Combine which everyone knows, and with the OTA comes divisions. Sure OTA could use more items, along with the CPs but other than that. EOW from any division should not be able to acquire mannhacks or teargas and lollygag with them. I think the items should be set by division, ECHO and Mace has the Grenades, Teargas, and SPS Charges. King has Grenades, Mannhacks, and SPS Charges. Ranger should have SPS Charges and Tear gas (Doesn't charge into battle)

Anyways thank you for reading my bullshit opinion on YOUR suggestion :)
I love the ending to that and the criticism's seem constructive so thanks!
I love this, but here are some flaws:

1: SMG Access
Now, I do like the idea of CPs getting better equipment when it's bought. I don't think you should give them an SMG set specifically for 1 Division that requires 2 Whitelists is not necessary. Though the thought of it is cool, I don't think we should but look for another weapon type. UMP45 or P90 or any SMG

2: CA
Now with the CA suggestion is great, I'd love to see that in the future. Though, any CA can abuse this power and purchase stuff when its un-needed or wasting the currency on stuff that has no use at all. For instance, Say its civil and the CA purchases more equipment like tear gasses and guns when there is mainly nothing happening. I know this opinion seems very hard to understand so let me simplify it. CPs are not getting killed, CA Purchases equipment, CPs cant do shit with it, CA wastes the money.

3: OTA Gadgets
Now this isn't really a criticism but more of a "see it this way". OTA are basically the Military of the Combine which everyone knows, and with the OTA comes divisions. Sure OTA could use more items, along with the CPs but other than that. EOW from any division should not be able to acquire mannhacks or teargas and lollygag with them. I think the items should be set by division, ECHO and Mace has the Grenades, Teargas, and SPS Charges. King has Grenades, Mannhacks, and SPS Charges. Ranger should have SPS Charges and Tear gas (Doesn't charge into battle)

Anyways thank you for reading my bullshit opinion on YOUR suggestion :)
Thank you for being honest about my suggestion instead of sugar coating it
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3: OTA Gadgets
Now this isn't really a criticism but more of a "see it this way". OTA are basically the Military of the Combine which everyone knows, and with the OTA comes divisions. Sure OTA could use more items, along with the CPs but other than that. EOW from any division should not be able to acquire mannhacks or teargas and lollygag with them. I think the items should be set by division, ECHO and Mace has the Grenades, Teargas, and SPS Charges. King has Grenades, Mannhacks, and SPS Charges. Ranger should have SPS Charges and Tear gas (Doesn't charge into battle)

With this I would change only a couple of things to make each OTA division feel unique in some way.

Echo gets the tear gas to balance it since they have probably the best weapon (AR-2) and giving them a frag grenade would be a bit to overkill for me atleast.

Frag grenade since they are supposed to be the CQC and Breaching division.

Smoke grenades since as you said they aren't supposed to charge in battle and act in more of a support way for their squad.

Orb launcher or Frag grenade, since they are the Elites they should have some deadly equipment as well as a good higher chance to drop items for rebels if they take him down.

Giving unique gadgets to each division would make people want to have more diversity inside a squad with each one fullfilling a role in it.
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I agree with the suggestions but my worries are similar to Neutral’s.

SMGs can be very game changing and especially one reserved for VICE; they should keep their equipment respective to them. Why give them just that gear when you need special privileges for it? Perhaps another weapon like Neutral said.

The CA section I believe could be solved by having whitelisted CA’s, a suggestion/feedback thread active now, and we should have guidelines for when CA’s should purchase certain things.

OTA gadgets should be for specialization yeah. You should be trained to use those items effectively, instead of wide range access, so we have the best at using those items actually using them and not someone who is a jack of all trades but not very adept in situational use of all of them to use them to their max efficiency.

All in all I agree heavily with everything else. I actually like the Helix ping idea, but I could also see it abused in kidnapping situations for metagame intel they wouldn’t be able to just do in RP: pulling out a PDA and just tapping it. To me it’s different than a simple visual ping as its tied to PDA but I could be wrong.
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Also I wanted to add after my experience trying OTA and playing CA, SENTINEL should be removed. I +1 for this heavily, instead the CA or ministers should be able to call upon any OTA that are available during a civil code, and possibly only 1 or even none during a civil code breakdown. In HL2, the OTA themselves are at Breen’s command and he is seen admonishing them at one point, they all are available ordered assets for Breen. When my sentinels, as CA, are ordered or want to go assist other assets they have to run all the way to the armory then change class then move in; which often can be way too late. It would be much easier to designate assets to protection and allow Overwatch supervisors to be more flexible with their assets as well as prevent useless assets during a civil code breakdown.

I heavily agree with EOW being whitelist promo rank. While we want less whitelists for CPs, OTA is a much more strict RP faction and currently it just doesn’t make much sense. You can go OWS or EOW off the bat; why would you go OWS at all? Also, the OSIPR isn’t insanely common in HL2 until Gordon is basically a massive threat; it would make more sense for our larger number of grunts to earn trust for the weapon and with that, some status.
1. Right now, JURY's have absolutely no use, a very good start would be the ability to investigate bodies to find the cause of death, and who killed the person, a second idea would be for JURY's to have another specialty, for example; The ability to put a single use 10 second ping on a BOL. (Unless they are in Shell Beach, to avoid shadow raids being called frequently.)
More gameplay elements are planned for Jury units to be able to investigate bodies, for example.
2. The GRID division only has one use currently, repairing cameras, I believe they should have something other than just the repair kit, an example; The use of scanners or other forms of technology, higher ranking GRID (SqL+) units have the ability to drive APCs in the city when the city code is Civil Unrest/Judgement Waiver. (These APCs are personnel carriers, and most likely will not have weapons cause of balancing reasons.)
More features are planned in the future for Grid units, including potential APCs.
3. The HELIX division needs some changes, I will list them here; HELIX's should and probably will have splints, when a unit breaks their legs, HELIX units can't do much but heal them, and then have to walk them to a biogel station, secondly, there should be an option on the PDA, that requests a HELIX unit to your current location, this should have a 15 second cooldown to stop spamming of the feature.
Helix units should be able to heal broken legs already, this seems to be a defect/bug I'll look into. PDA option for requesting medical assistance from Helix units via waypoint to your current location has been implemented in the Enhanced PDA Update.
4. The ranks I2 and I1 should have a whitelist on them, there are a lot of I1s thinking they're supervisors, and thinking they have power over units below them, not to mention, having I1 unwhitelisted, can lead to a lot of people incorrectly leading PTs, giving people I1 who don't know how to use it correctly, and make climbing the ranks very easy and unchallenging, the same goes for I2, it should not be unwhitelisted, I2s are supposed to be units who have proved their loyalty and leadership to the combine, and I hate to say it, but I see none of those 2 when I encounter I2s.
We have some ideas in mind for making i1 and i2 more limited.
1. The Overwatch faction is lacking on gadgets, the only thing that you can currently get is Tear Gas (EOW+), I believe a flash grenade or smoke grenade should be added, along with a manhack that could be deployed to disorientate rebels during a holdout indoors, also 2-3 armor charges would be ideal for them, since they are almost always in combat.
More Overwatch gadgets are planned such as smoke, flash, and frag grenades.
1. Right now the City Administrators sit around, and minge on the broadcast, or just copy and paste copypastas on it. I think that the City Administrators should be able to buy things for the CP/OTA Faction with a special form of currency, for example; More SPS for VICE and all OTA, an advanced MP7 being available for I1+ regardless of being VICE or not.
We have some ideas in mind for adding to the City Administrator's gameplay. Feel free to keep suggesting elements to add to it.

Thanks all for your suggestions & discussion here

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