Needs More Detail Roleplay and Visual Identity

The server has stated that it wants to be more roleplay focused and adding features such as sleeping, water, good, illness, etc, etc, building a better punishment system and some sort of reward system for people who don't want to let's say... rebel all the time and want to play the part of a loyalist? It would be incredibly benefitable for us and accomplish our goals of having a more roleplay-orientated server without being labelled as SeriousRP. People should be rewarded for doing a good job and not rebelling, I believe this should be set in place to encourage this roleplay mentality.

Also, being branded as a Impulse server isn't good visual identity. It would be best to stray away from the branding. Being labelled as a Impulse server basically announces to the people that, "Oh, this is a combat-orientated server." We need to change this and strive to have our own identity; separate ourselves from Impulse and strive to be something unique.

If anyone thinks these are bad idea, please leave a comment below why, I'd love to hear what you have to say!
I agree with this heavily, we could tie in housing and loyalist systems to better sleeping conditions with loyalist housings, we would have more purpose in vendors and there would be actual weight to decisions of being against the very system running the city. Could implement ideas like things from Noisey's app like meeting with city admin or helping with civil meetings, and so forth. Commodities.

I DEFINITELY agree with the second part of the suggestion, impulse servers attract a certain playerbase which has definitely stressed its stance against roleplay or at least in-depth roleplay, and we want to cultivate an environment where it is more common and in-depth RP is encouraged to occur on its own. If we had our own identity in general server and gamemode, it would allow us to inspire our own ideal of playstyle rather than fitting to others'.
I believe that rather than moving away from our core impulse-playing loop, we should focus on improving and expanding them by adding new ones. This approach would greatly benefit the server. Additionally, incorporating quality of life improvements will be positive. We should not be afraid to experiment with new features, trying them out, and removing those that don't work well.
I agree with this! The sleeping and illness type of stuff are things that make being out of the city pretty hard, cause all of the medical supplies are in the city, so it slows down the rebels. Sleeping you can do anywhere on a mattress or sleeping bag. Now straying away form the impulse brand is a good idea.

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