This is a hard thing to implement to be a good feature, but if done properly, it can lead to an amazing boost in the quality of roleplay for everyone on the server. However, I have a couple of problems or questions to write down that need to be thought of and addressed if something like this is to be implemented.
1, Can just anyone buy these buildings?
- Can a newer player be able to buy the property without actual need nor intention of running a business of any kind and leave it there what will be done to prevent that?
2, Any Off-Line activity for the rest of the players in these buildings?
- Everyone go offline, sometimes for longer during active hours and this leaves rented buildings just standing there, perhaps being able to share this property with other people to keep the building fully in use, perhaps creating small companies which can be further evolved into the RP
- Player-made vendors? Okay, this one is a stretch, but if there were a properly made business, I could imagine having the same kind of vendor stationed in the business to sell the stored product. However, this is rather questionable.
Other then that...