SteamID/UniqueID: STEAM_0:0:592278044Reason for Report: [STAFF REPORT] Minge in other communities, abusing mod power.Server/platform: HL2RPOther information/evidence:
Trooper aka Xiao Chang decided to kill a member of my group, Harry Fisherman for taking a 357 one of my members killed. I then killed trooper and he froze me MID COMBAT so I could have died to MPF and he pulled me to a sit with a physgun and took me to a completely different area after the sit. He gave me a verbal warn which is on my record and he also meta gamed recently the GG meta base. He did not see how to open it, he only saw it open. By the way, this guy hacked on Complexity and was a massive minge on Deep. My witnesses are the entirety of Scorpion Unit F6 and probably the entire rebels. He timed me out for calling him out for his wrongdoings. I can guarantee you multiple people here dislike trooper and do not want him as mod. He's also most likely underage, I was told that one time he used a voice changer to make his voice deeper but I dont know how true this is. When I requsted Imperial during a sit he refused my request. People below can probably leave more evidence.
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