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  1. Hylix

    Accepted Hylix's OTA Application

    General Information Discord Username: hylix143 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:614607592 What rank are you applying for? Overwatch Captain Are you currently in a known rebel group?: No, I'm not. Are you currently a supervisor within civil protection?: Yes, I am a DvL on Civil Protection. General...
  2. Hylix

    PDA Update suggestion.

    While I agree with a lot of the stuff on here, one thing I don't get is the rogue outfit, don't get me wrong its not a bad idea, but maybe there could be another signifier, for example a red name, or a special name like you wrote in this suggestion, Thanks for listening to me rant. (This is a +1...
  3. Hylix

    Accepted Sheriff’s SqL CP Whitelist Application

    Instead of just saying 1+ or -1 I'll explain the negatives of your application, as well as your positives -The prior position on other servers can be helpful, along with the great activity both ingame and on the forums, I've patrolled with this unit more than once, and can see potential in him...
  4. Hylix

    Multi suggestion post (for CMB faction)

    I should've also clarified that the OvC+ gets the gadgets instead of EOW.
  5. Hylix

    Question/suggestion for server management

    This is a very good idea and should be thinked about, it allows the community to not just socialize with admins, but to also ask questions, make suggestions, and just have fun.
  6. Hylix

    Multi suggestion post (for CMB faction)

    Thank you for being honest about my suggestion instead of sugar coating it
  7. Hylix

    Multi suggestion post (for CMB faction)

    The Civil Protection Faction 1. Right now, JURY's have absolutely no use, a very good start would be the ability to investigate bodies to find the cause of death, and who killed the person, a second idea would be for JURY's to have another specialty, for example; The ability to put a single use...
  8. Hylix

    Rebel armor improvements

    I believe the armor system for rebels is a bit lacking, so I thought about 3 classes of armor that could be added in future updates The first class of armor: Level 2 armor, a cheaper but less effective alternative to the OTA vest. (30% - 35% protection) The second class of armor: OTA vest...
  9. Hylix

    New weaponry for MPF/OTA and Rebels

    +1 Very good suggestion, I think that the grenades should be rank and city code based as well as having a long cool down around 5-7 minutes, the AR2 orb also needs to have a long cooldown, so KINGs don't sit on catwalks and spam orbs towards the rebels, the advanced MP7 is a very good...
  10. Hylix

    Accepted VICE Division Enhancements

    +1 This is a really good suggestion, maybe the CMD should have just a little bit less, like 50 or 55 SPS, other then that, its a very good suggestion.
  11. Hylix

    Multiple Suggestion Thread

    I would honestly make your own suggestion for this
  12. Hylix

    Multiple Suggestion Thread

    I believe this should be added when the devs have time, but still a very good and simple suggestion.
  13. Hylix

    Denied Overwatch Transhuman Arm Application

    While I can say that he was infact an OfC on both CN and vanilla, still have to say that this application is a tiny bit unfinished, for example on the question "You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, there are...
  14. Hylix

    Accepted Request medical assistance with the PDA

    Well to be fair, the ping that gets placed down is way easier to pinpoint exactly where the person is that needs healing, instead of searching the entirety of Fabrications for example.
  15. Hylix

    Denied Half-Life Alyx Roleplay Addition

    I don't see much sense in having HL:A ranks and divisions while also having transitionary soldiers in the pack, not to be a lore nerd here, but the OTA in the transition phase are going from APF, Wallhammer, Ordinal, into the usual Mace, Echo, Ranger and (later on) Grunt. also its worth...
  16. Hylix

    Accepted defunction/deservicement option on the PDA

    Instead of just killing a marked unit and be done with it, maybe there could be a little more to a defunction, like for example a brief message on the top of every active CP units screen, that displays something like "Union-264 has been marked Defunct for insulting a fellow CP unit multiple...
  17. Hylix

    It's been fun.

    This is sad, you were a good DvL, hopefully you'll come back sooner than later, much love and hope you fix that computer of yours!
  18. Hylix

    Denied New Divisions/Special Divisions

    Maybe a division in charge of literally taking down Zombies and Infestations, I know that any OTA can do that normally but a special division with a specific loadout.
  19. Hylix

    Accepted New thing for interactive roleplay.

    1+ I believe this could be a good change, considering the Propaganda posters of both sides look very detailed and textured, its a good addition, very good suggestion.
  20. Hylix

    Invalid OfC app ( Rocky )

    -1 The application is mediocre at best, I personally have never seen this guy lead ingame.